Tuesday 18 May 2010

Who can you trust?

As I begin my usual walk, a teenage boy is standing there
I try not to catch his glance and I know I must not stare.
He has an evil look in his eyes, or maybe it’s just fear
or is his young head the victim of, too much under age beer.
I quickly walk past him, feeling too old to risk a fight
I don’t suppose he will bother me, but maybe he just might.

Now I’m further into my walk and a little out of breath
as two hooded boys, come towards me on my left.
“Did you know you’ve dropped something,” I hear them shout
and I nervously check my pocket, finding my wallet has fallen out.
One of them quickly grabs my wallet and hands it back to me
and I feel a little ashamed, to have doubted their honesty.

Now as I walk across the park, an old lady is ahead of me
a refined looking couple are talking to her, under the old oak tree.
Suddenly the couple are running away, the old lady is on the floor
her face is cut and her bag has gone, she says it has happened before.
I can’t believe what I have seen and I take care of her like I must,
as I think to myself how hard it can be, to know who you can trust.

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